
Urban Terror Screenshots

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I put these screens here for educational purposes. Please don't abuse them, and remember if you find a player smelly or dodgy player go to urtadmins to upload your demo.

Do you see something smelly?

On this photo (no sreenshot) you can make out something of a player through the smoke on the blue-flag-balcony.

Genesis sent me these two photo's to show what he sees on his screen.

and zoomed in

On this Xfire screenshot you can see a player called |Crunk|Branded using the mombot. Xfire sofware rules out it's a "faked screenshot".

Pwned! thx fallen & nexu

almost forgot the radar.

When reviewing demo's take into account that some players need to tweak their everything to the ultimate to be able to not look like a noob in Urban Terror. This is what trees and bushes can look like by simply playing with your video settings.


Scary huh

Here you can see the options of a populair hax called the mombot. Now that is very scary, I don't get what half of it means! Please feel free to enlighten me. I got me a screenshot of the windows processess also, clearly showing nothing at all.

And for those of you who wonder how did he get those screens? I 'cheated' someone into making them for me :D

Here you can see a screen of a dude actually using the mombot.

This is a screenshot of a screenshot, and well as you can see someone edited "radar?" in it, so who knows what else is edited. Still looks caught red handed to me!

hosted by Google uploaded by |HSO|Decoy

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